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News for Package relations
Changes in version 0.6-14
No user-level changes.
Changes in version 0.6-13
No user-level changes.
Changes in version 0.6-12
No user-level changes.
Changes in version 0.6-11
No user-level changes.
Changes in version 0.6-10
No user-level changes.
Changes in version 0.6-9
No user-level changes.
Changes in version 0.6-8
No user-level changes.
Changes in version 0.6-7
gain methods for generalized paired comparison dissimilarities (which include symdiff, CKS, and Emond-Mason dissimilarities as special cases). -
meta-predicate function added, to replace the current single predicate functions in future releases. -
method for relations added.
Changes in version 0.6-6
No user-level changes.
Changes in version 0.6-5
Safeguard code against
Changes in version 0.6-4
Rd improvements.
Changes in version 0.6-3
Improve namespace and avoid search path semantics.
Improve message strings.
Changes in version 0.6-2
Package metadata improvements.
Changes in version 0.6-1
Rd improvements.
Changes in version 0.6
Code added for computing (weakly/strongly) connected components, condensations and component representations.
and the plot method for relations now also work for cyclic relations. The plot method for relations now also allows the drawing of “raw” graphs without any transformation.
Changes in version 0.5-11
Bug in
Changes in version 0.5-10
Vignette fixes.
Package news converted to Rd format.
Changes in version 0.5-9
Add predicates for (a)cyclic relations.
Fix incorrect
Changes in version 0.5-8
Ensure that examples do not fail when package Rgraphviz is unavailable.
Changes in version 0.5-7
support for finding up to
consensus relations added for most methods.
Changes in version 0.5-5
method added for relation ensembles. Jaccard dissimilarity added.
added. support for missings added.
gains a method for computing Euclidean choices and Schulze Winners. -
added with methods for linear, weak, and partial orders.
Changes in version 0.5-4
Rd fixes.
Changes in version 0.5-3
Adjust for recent changes in package clue.
Changes in version 0.5-2
Sparse lightweight array and matrix code moved to package slam.
Changes in version 0.5-1
Rd fixes.
Changes in version 0.5
method for Cook-Kress-Seiford (CKS) dissimilarity.New symdiff fitters for consensus preorders, and family ‘G’ for general crisp endorelations.
Performance enhancements for finding all symdiff consensus solutions, and symdiff consensus for equivalences or weak orders with a given number of classes.
gains a method for CKS dissimilarity, and aweights
argument. Performance enhancements for symdiff choice via employing a more compact linearization of the underlying binary quadratic program (BQP).
GLPK is now used as the default MILP solver.
Consensus and choice fitters now use sparse constraint matrices by default.
New class for representing rankings.
Improvements for plotting relations and relation ensembles.
New function
for computing the covering relation of an endorelation.New function
for computing the left or right trace of an endorelation.New simple choice function
for determining the minimal, first, last or maximal elements of an endorelation.New predicate
Changes in version 0.4
symdiff fitters can now use the GLPK, SYMPHONY and CPLEX solvers in addition to lp_solve, and optionally use sparse constraint matrices
more methods added to
. optionally, return all tuples violating a property.-
now also works for relation ensembles Transitive/reflexive closure and reduction functions are now available as methods for closure and reduction generics (provided by package sets)
During creation of relations, domains are converted to sets and incidences are canonicalized to match the internal order of the domain
can now compute all solutions for the Condorcet method, and gains a ‘majority’ method subassignment method for ensembles added
accepts any number of arguments -
generic now has a...
argument the
argument inplot.relation_ensemble()
is now a list, so that the Rgraphviz parameters can be changed in each plot individually-
methods added for relations and ensembles
Changes in version 0.3
rank method is default for
the relations in the SVM Benchmark data are now all reflexive
support for sets moved to separate sets package
support for fuzzy relations added
fitters can now use a sparse constraint matrix representation
new symdiff fitters for the S (
) and M ("matches"
) familiesrelations are now subsettable
fitters for Cook-Seiford method and Euclidean consensus added
method for relations which computes all implemented predicates-
for choosing “winner” objects based on an ensemble of relations between these
Changes in version 0.2
Copeland's method added to
added to extract and pretty-print (ordered) classes from preferences and equivalences. -
added to compute a measure of remoteness from a specified property (e.g., symmetry, transitivity, etc.) -
fixed for more than two elements (used to compute the complement of the union and the intersection of a set, which is wrong in general). Now, the argument list is treated recursively. Vignette added
New symdiff fitter added for the C (
) and A ("antisymmetric"
) families of relationsSummary methods for tuples and sets added
Ops and
methods for the relation_ensemble class added-
fixed (used to plot the dual, now changes the graphviz layout) -
now correctly handles unary operators, and preserves class -
added for transforming incidence matrices of endorelations from/to other codings found in literature
Changes in version 0.1
Initial release