Here we show how we can use flocker
to fit nonlinear
occupancy models via brms
. In most occupancy models,
occupancy and detection probabilities are modeled as logit-linear
combinations of covariates. In some models (e.g. those with splines or
Gaussian processes), probabilities are modeled as the sum of more
flexible functions of covariates. These are straightforward to fit in
using the brms
, t2()
, and gp()
; see the flocker
tutorial vignette for details.
This vignette focuses on more complicated nonlinear models that
require the use of special nonlinear brms
formulas. We
showcase two models. The first fits a parametric nonlinear predictor.
The second fits a model with a spatially varying coefficient that is
given a gaussian process prior.
In this scenario, we consider a model where the response is a specific nonlinear parametric function whose parameters are fitted and might or might not depend on covariates. Suppose for example that an expanding population of a territorial species undergoes logistic growth, and also that some unknown proportion of territories are unsuitable due to an unobserved factor, such that occupancy asymptotes at some probability less than one. Thus, occupancy probability changes through time as L1+e−k(t−t0), where L is the asymptote, k is a growth rate, t is time, and t0 is the timing of the inflection point. At multiple discrete times, we randomly sample several sites to survey, and survey each of those sites over several repeat visits.
library(flocker); library(brms)
L <- 0.5
k <- .1
t0 <- -5
t <- seq(-15, 15, 1)
n_site_per_time <- 30
n_visit <- 3
det_prob <- .3
data <- data.frame(
t = rep(t, n_site_per_time)
data$psi <- L/(1 + exp(-k*(t - t0)))
data$Z <- rbinom(nrow(data), 1, data$psi)
data$v1 <- data$Z * rbinom(nrow(data), 1, det_prob)
data$v2 <- data$Z * rbinom(nrow(data), 1, det_prob)
data$v3 <- data$Z * rbinom(nrow(data), 1, det_prob)
fd <- make_flocker_data(
obs = as.matrix(data[,c("v1", "v2", "v3")]),
unit_covs = data.frame(t = data[,c("t")]),
event_covs <- list(dummy = matrix(rnorm(n_visit*nrow(data)), ncol = 3))
We wish to fit an occupancy model that recovers the unknown
parameters L, k, and t0. We can achieve this using the
nonlinear formula syntax provided by brms
will always assume that the occupancy formula is
provided on the logit scale. Thus, we need to convert our nonlinear
function giving the occupancy probability to a function giving the logit
occupancy probability. A bit of simplification via Wolfram Alpha and we
arrive at log(L1+e−k(t−t0)−L). We then write a brms
formula representing
occupancy via this function. To specify a formula wherein a
distributional parameter (occ
in this case, referring to
occupancy) is nonlinear we need to use brms::set_nl()
rather than merely providing the nl = TRUE
argument to
’s main fitting function flock()
accepts brmsformula
inputs to its f_det
argument. When supplying a brmsformula
(rather than the typical one-sided detection
formula), the following behaviors are triggered:
Several input checks are turned off. For example,
no longer checks to ensure that event covariates
are absent from the occupancy formula. flocker
also no
longer explicitly checks that formulas are provided for all of the
required distributional terms for a given family (detection, occupancy,
colonization, extinction, and autologistic terms, depending on the
All inputs to f_occ
, f_col
, f_auto
are silently ignored. It is
obligatory to pass the entire formula for all distributional parameters
as a single brmsformula
object. This means in turn that the
user must be familiar with flocker
’s internal naming
conventions for all of the relevant distributional parameters
and one or more of occ
, ex
, autologistic
). If fitting a data-augmented model, it will be
required to pass the Omega ~ 1
formula within the
(When passing the traditional one-sided formula
to f_det
, flocker
includes the formula for
internally and automatically).
Nonlinear formulas that involve data that are required to be
positive might fail! Internally, some irrelevant data positions get
filled with -99
, but these positions might still get
evaluated by the nonlinear formula, even though they make no
contribution to the likelihood.
With all of that said, we can go ahead and fit this model!
fit <- flock(f_det = brms::bf(
det ~ 1 + dummy,
occ ~ log(L/(1 + exp(-k*(t - t0)) - L)),
L ~ 1,
k ~ 1,
t0 ~ 1
) +
brms::set_nl(dpar = "occ"),
prior =
prior(normal(0, 5), nlpar = "t0"),
prior(normal(0, 1), nlpar = "k"),
prior(beta(1, 1), nlpar = "L", lb = 0, ub = 1)
flocker_data = fd,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
cores = 4)
#> Family: occupancy_single
#> Links: mu = identity; occ = identity
#> Formula: ff_y | vint(ff_n_unit, ff_n_rep, ff_Q, ff_rep_index1, ff_rep_index2, ff_rep_index3) ~ 1 + dummy
#> occ ~ log(L/(1 + exp(-k * (t - t0)) - L))
#> L ~ 1
#> k ~ 1
#> t0 ~ 1
#> Data: data (Number of observations: 2790)
#> Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
#> total post-warmup draws = 4000
#> Population-Level Effects:
#> Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
#> Intercept -0.91 0.13 -1.18 -0.66 1.00 2535 2318
#> L_Intercept 0.50 0.10 0.38 0.77 1.00 1241 864
#> k_Intercept 0.19 0.08 0.07 0.36 1.00 1283 1433
#> t0_Intercept -5.90 3.38 -10.34 3.17 1.00 1248 921
#> dummy 0.00 0.08 -0.15 0.15 1.00 2620 2236
#> Draws were sampled using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
#> and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
#> scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).
It works!
Note that if desired, we could fit more complicated formulas than
~ 1
for any of the nonlinear parameters. For more see the
nonlinear model vignette.
The gp()
function in brms
includes a
Gaussian process of arbitrary dimension in the linear predictor. We can
use the nonlinear formula syntax to tell brms
to include a
Gaussian process prior on a coefficient as well.
First we simulate some data wherein the logit of the occupancy probability depends on a covariate, and the slope of the dependency is modeled via a two-dimensional spatial Gaussian process. It turns out that we will need quite a few of data points to constrain the standard deviation of the Gaussian process, so we simulate with 2000 sites:
n <- 2000 # sample size
lscale <- 0.3 # square root of l of the gaussian kernel
sigma_gp <- 1 # sigma of the gaussian kernel
intercept <- 0 # occupancy logit-intercept
det_intercept <- -1 # detection logit-intercept
n_visit <- 4
# covariate data for the model
gp_data <- data.frame(
x = rnorm(n),
y = rnorm(n),
covariate = rnorm(n)
# get distance matrix
dist.mat <- as.matrix(
stats::dist(gp_data[,c("x", "y")])
# get covariance matrix
cov.mat <- sigma_gp^2 * exp(- (dist.mat^2)/(2*lscale^2))
# simulate occupancy data
gp_data$coef <- mgcv::rmvn(1, rep(0, n), cov.mat)
gp_data$lp <- intercept + gp_data$coef * gp_data$covariate
gp_data$psi <- boot::inv.logit(gp_data$lp)
gp_data$Z <- rbinom(n, 1, gp_data$psi)
# simulate visit data
obs <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = n_visit)
for(j in 1:n_visit){
obs[,j] <- gp_data$Z * rbinom(n, 1, boot::inv.logit(det_intercept))
And here’s how we can fit this model in flocker
! Because
we have a large number of sites, we use a Hilbert space approximate
Gaussian process for computational efficiency.
fd2 <- make_flocker_data(obs = obs, unit_covs = gp_data[, c("x", "y", "covariate")])
svc_mod <- flock(
f_det = brms::bf(
det ~ 1,
occ ~ occint + g * covariate,
occint ~ 1,
g ~ 0 + gp(x, y, scale = FALSE, k = 20, c = 1.25)
) +
brms::set_nl(dpar = "occ"),
flocker_data = fd2,
cores = 4
#> Family: occupancy_single_C
#> Links: mu = identity; occ = identity
#> Formula: ff_n_suc | vint(ff_n_trial) ~ 1
#> occ ~ occint + g * covariate
#> occint ~ 1
#> g ~ 0 + gp(x, y, scale = FALSE, k = 20, c = 1.25)
#> Data: data (Number of observations: 2000)
#> Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
#> total post-warmup draws = 4000
#> Gaussian Process Terms:
#> Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
#> sdgp(g_gpxy) 1.66 0.75 0.73 3.66 1.00 2849 3317
#> lscale(g_gpxy) 0.23 0.11 0.08 0.50 1.00 3850 3141
#> Population-Level Effects:
#> Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
#> Intercept -1.04 0.06 -1.15 -0.94 1.00 5532 2810
#> occint_Intercept 0.09 0.09 -0.08 0.27 1.00 5736 3182
#> Draws were sampled using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
#> and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
#> scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).
Again, it worked!