offers the option to specify models that
incorporate Stan
code for custom likelihood functions.
can then fit models using these likelihoods where the
distributional parameters of the custom likelihood are given linear
predictors in the usual way. Relatively straightforward examples are
given in the brms
custom families vignette, but brms
provides surprising
flexibility to do fancy things with custom families. In this vignette, I
show how we use this flexibility to harness brms
occupancy modeling likelihoods. I assume that the reader knows a little
bit about occupancy models
and brms
, but not much else.
The challenge in shoehorning an occupancy model into a
custom family is that each multiplicative term in the
occupancy-model likelihood represents a closure-unit
that might contain multiple repeat visits with different detection
covariates. The likelihood does not factorize at the visit level
and therefore must be computed unit-wise, but the linear predictor for
detection needs to be computed visit-wise. How can we tell
to compute a visit-wise detection predictor without
telling it to try to compute a visit-wise log-likelihood?
termsThe first trick involves the unassuming loop
argument to
. Defaulting to TRUE
controls whether or not the custom likelihood will be
evaluated row-wise. The brms::custom_family
points out that setting loop = FALSE
can enable efficient
vectorized computation of the likelihood. We are going to co-opt this
argument for a different purpose. We are going to perform a custom
likelihood computation that has access to all rows of the data
simultaneously not to enable vectorization, but to ensure that the
likelihood can “see” all of the relevant visits simultaneously as it
computes the unit-wise likelihood.
Let’s think this through: our likelihood function is going to ingest
a one-dimensional array y
of visit-wise integer response
data, and then vectors of pre-computed linear predictors for two
distributional parameters: occ
for occupancy and
for detection. If we have M total visits to each site, then M−1M of the elements of
will be redundant (since the occupancy predictor cannot
change across visits), but there will be no redundancy in y
nor det
What we need now is a likelihood function that can associate each row
with the correct closure-unit. Here’s where the second trick comes in.
Some likelihoods require “extra” response data that inform the
likelihood without being involved in the computation of the linear
predictors. The canonical example is the number of trials in a binomial
response. To supply such data in custom likelihoods, brms
provides the functions vint()
and vreal()
integer and real data respectively). We are going to use repeated calls
to vint()
to inject all of the necessary indexing
information into the likelihood.
format for a single-season modelSuppose the model has N unique
closure-units, and the maximum number of visits to any closure-unit is
M. We will ensure that the data are
formatted such that the first N
rows correspond to the first visits to each closure-unit. Then we will
pass M vint
whose first N elements each give
the row indices i corresponding to
the mth visit to that closure-unit,
for m in 1 to M. All subsequent elements with indices
i>N are irrelevant. Note that
the first of these vint
arrays is redundant and contains as
its first N elements simply the
integers from 1 to N. We include it
anyway to keep the code logic transparent and avoid bugs. Moreover, it
will become relevant in more advanced multi-season models where it is
possible to have closure-units that receive zero visits but still are
relevant to the likelihood (see Even
fancier families).
To simplify the Stan
code that decodes this data
structure, we also pass three additional vint
Thus, the likelihood function has a number of vint
equal to three plus the maximum number of repeat visits to any site. The
code to decode this format depends on the number of
repeat visits and is generated on-the-fly at runtime. Here’s how it
looks for a dataset with a maximum of four repeat visits:
## real occupancy_single_lpmf(
## array[] int y, // detection data
## vector mu, // lin pred for detection
## vector occ, // lin pred for occupancy. Elements after vint1[1] irrelevant.
## array[] int vint1, // # units (n_unit). Elements after 1 irrelevant.
## array[] int vint2, // # sampling events per unit (n_rep). Elements after vint1[1] irrelevant.
## array[] int vint3, // Indicator for > 0 detections (Q). Elements after vint1[1] irrelevant.
## // indices for jth repeated sampling event to each unit (elements after vint1[1] irrelevant):
## array[] int vint4,
## array[] int vint5,
## array[] int vint6,
## array[] int vint7
## ) {
## // Create array of the rep indices that correspond to each unit.
## array[vint1[1], 4] int index_array;
## index_array[,1] = vint4[1:vint1[1]];
## index_array[,2] = vint5[1:vint1[1]];
## index_array[,3] = vint6[1:vint1[1]];
## index_array[,4] = vint7[1:vint1[1]];
## // Initialize and compute log-likelihood
## real lp = 0;
## for (i in 1:vint1[1]) {
## array[vint2[i]] int indices = index_array[i, 1:vint2[i]];
## if (vint3[i] == 1) {
## lp += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(1 | occ[i]);
## lp += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(y[indices] | mu[indices]);
## }
## if (vint3[i] == 0) {
## lp += log_sum_exp(bernoulli_logit_lpmf(1 | occ[i]) +
## sum(log1m_inv_logit(mu[indices])), bernoulli_logit_lpmf(0 | occ[i]));
## }
## }
## return(lp);
## }
In addition to the functions to generate this custom
code, the main workhorses in flocker
functions to pack and unpack data and linear predictors from the shape
of the observational data to the flocker_data
format (and
back). For further details, check out
(for packing) and
(for unpacking).
As noted, the flocker
approach to fitting in
contains one substantial redundancy, which is that the
linear predictor for occupancy gets computed redundantly several-fold
too many times, since it need be computed only once per closure-unit,
whereas flocker
computes it once per visit. In addition, it
is not possible to use Stan
’s reduce_sum
functionality for within-chain parallelization of the computation of the
linear predictors, since chunking up the data destroys the validity of
the indexing (and requires a level of control that
does not provide to ensure that no closure-units
end up split across multiple chunks). Despite these disadvantages, we
find that occupancy modeling with flocker
is remarkably
performant, in many cases outperforming our previous hand-coded
implementations of models for large datasets and
comparing favorably to other contemporary packages for occupancy
Flocker provides a set of families that are more involved still. The first are the multi-season families, which group closure-units into series within which the occupancy state changes via modeled colonization and extinction dynamics. The second are data-augmented multi-species models, in which closure-units are grouped within species whose presence in the community (and thus availability for detection) is modeled explicitly.
For we fit multi-species models via a hidden Markov model (HMM) approach to the likelihood. This vignette does not cover the implementation of that likelihood in detail–just the necessary data that we need to send to the unlooped likelihood function. Suppose the data contain S distinct series (i.e. distinct hidden Markov sequences), U closure-units (i.e. the sum over series of the number of timesteps per series). The data are ordered so that the first S rows correspond to the first repeat visit to the first timestep of all series (or to a ghost row if a given series has no visits in the first timestep), and the first U rows correspond to the first repeat visit to each closure-unit (i.e. timestep, or a ghost row if a given timestep contains no visits).
We pass:
term for the number of series S. Elements after the first are
term for the total number of closure-units U, including never-visited closure-units.
Elements after the first are irrelevant.vint
term for the number of closure-units (timesteps)
in each series. Elements after S
are irrelevant.vint
term for the number of sampling events in each
closure-unit. Elements after U are
term giving the binary indicator Q for whether there is at least one
detection. Elements after U are
terms, one for each timestep up to the
maximum number of timesteps in any series, giving the row index of the
first visit in that timestep within each series. Elements after S are irrelevant.vint
terms, one for each sampling event up to
the maximum number of sampling events in any unit, giving the row index
corresponding to that visit. Elements after U are irrelevant.Thus, we pass a number of vint
terms equal to four plus
the maximum number of timesteps in any series plus the maximum number of
visits in any timestep. Here’s Stan
code to decode this
format and compute the likelihood for 5 timesteps with a maximum of 4
repeat visits, in this case for the colonization-extinction flavor of
multispecies model. Note that this likelihood includes custom functions
that flocker
defines elsewhere and passes to the custom
family via stanvars
## real occupancy_multi_colex_lpmf(
## array[] int y, // detection data
## vector mu, // linear predictor for detection
## vector occ, // linear predictor for initial occupancy. Elements after vint1[1] irrelevant.
## vector colo, // linear predictor for colonization. Elements after vint2[1] irrelevant.
## vector ex, // linear predictor for extinction. Elements after vint2[1] irrelevant.
## array[] int vint1, // # of series (# of HMMs). Elements after 1 irrelevant.
## array[] int vint2, // # units (series-years). Elements after 1 irrelevant.
## array[] int vint3, // # years per series. Elements after vint1[1] irrelevant.
## array[] int vint4, // # sampling events per unit (n_rep). Elements after vint2[1] irrelevant.
## array[] int vint5, // Indicator for > 0 detections (Q). Elements after vint2[1] irrelevant.
## // indices for jth unit (first rep) for each series. Elements after vint1[1] irrelevant.
## array[] int vint6,
## array[] int vint7,
## array[] int vint8,
## array[] int vint9,
## array[] int vint10,
## // indices for jth repeated sampling event to each unit (elements after vint2[1] irrelevant):
## array[] int vint11,
## array[] int vint12,
## array[] int vint13,
## array[] int vint14
## ) {
## // Create array of the unit indices that correspond to each series.
## array[vint1[1], 5] int unit_index_array;
## unit_index_array[,1] = vint6[1:vint1[1]];
## unit_index_array[,2] = vint7[1:vint1[1]];
## unit_index_array[,3] = vint8[1:vint1[1]];
## unit_index_array[,4] = vint9[1:vint1[1]];
## unit_index_array[,5] = vint10[1:vint1[1]];
## // Create array of the rep indices that correspond to each unit.
## array[vint2[1], 4] int visit_index_array;
## visit_index_array[,1] = vint11[1:vint2[1]];
## visit_index_array[,2] = vint12[1:vint2[1]];
## visit_index_array[,3] = vint13[1:vint2[1]];
## visit_index_array[,4] = vint14[1:vint2[1]];
## // Initialize and compute log-likelihood
## real lp = 0;
## for (i in 1:vint1[1]) {
## int n_year = vint3[i];
## array[n_year] int Q = vint5[unit_index_array[i,1:n_year]];
## array[n_year] int n_obs = vint4[unit_index_array[i,1:n_year]];
## int max_obs = max(n_obs);
## array[n_year, max_obs] int y_i;
## real occ_i = occ[unit_index_array[i,1]];
## vector[n_year] colo_i = to_vector(colo[unit_index_array[i,1:n_year]]);
## vector[n_year] ex_i = to_vector(ex[unit_index_array[i,1:n_year]]);
## array[n_year] row_vector[max_obs] det_i;
## for (j in 1:n_year) {
## if (n_obs[j] > 0) {
## y_i[j, 1:n_obs[j]] = y[visit_index_array[unit_index_array[i, j], 1:n_obs[j]]];
## det_i[j, 1:n_obs[j]] = to_row_vector(mu[visit_index_array[unit_index_array[i, j], 1:n_obs[j]]]);
## }
## }
## lp += forward_colex(n_year, Q, n_obs, y_i, occ_i, colo_i, ex_i, det_i);
## }
## return(lp);
## }
For the data augmented model, suppose that the dataset contains I sites, up to J visits per site, and K species (including the data-augmented pseudospecies). The data are ordered so that the first I×K rows each represent the first visit to each closure-unit (species × site). Then we pass auxiliary terms including:
term giving the total number of closure-units
I×K. Elements after the
first are irrelevant.vint
term giving the number of sampling events per
closure-unit. Elements after I×K are irrelevant.vint
term giving the binary indicator Q for whether there is at least one
detection. Elements after I×K are irrelevant.vint
term giving the number of species K. Elements after the first are
term giving a binary indicator for whether there
is at least one observation of a species. Elements after K are irrelevant.vint
term giving the species to which a closure-unit
belongs. Elements after I×K
are irrelevant.vint
terms, one for each sampling event up to
the maximum number of sampling events at any site, giving the row index
corresponding to that visit. Elements after I×K are irrelevant.Thus, we pass a number of vint
terms equal to six plus
the maximum number of visits at any site. Here’s Stan
to decode this format and compute the likelihood a dataset with a
maximum of 4 repeat visits.
## real occupancy_augmented_lpmf(
## array[] int y, // detection data
## vector mu, // lin pred for detection
## vector occ, // lin pred for occupancy. Elements after vint1[1] irrelevant.
## vector Omega, // lin pred for availability. Elements after 1 irrelevant.
## array[] int vint1, // # units (n_unit). Elements after 1 irrelevant.
## array[] int vint2, // # sampling events per unit (n_rep). Elements after vint1[1] irrelevant.
## array[] int vint3, // Indicator for > 0 detections (Q). Elements after vint1[1] irrelevant.
## array[] int vint4, // # species (observed + augmented). Elements after 1 irrelevant.
## array[] int vint5, // Indicator for species was observed. Elements after vint4[1] irrelevant
## array[] int vint6, // species
## // indices for jth repeated sampling event to each unit (elements after vint1[1] irrelevant):
## array[] int vint7,
## array[] int vint8,
## array[] int vint9,
## array[] int vint10
## ) {
## // Create array of the rep indices that correspond to each unit.
## array[vint1[1], 4] int index_array;
## index_array[,1] = vint7[1:vint1[1]];
## index_array[,2] = vint8[1:vint1[1]];
## index_array[,3] = vint9[1:vint1[1]];
## index_array[,4] = vint10[1:vint1[1]];
## // Initialize and compute log-likelihood
## real lp = 0;
## for (sp in 1:vint4[1]) {
## real lp_s = 0;
## if (vint5[sp] == 1) {
## for (i in 1:vint1[1]) {
## if (vint6[i] == sp) {
## array[vint2[i]] int indices = index_array[i, 1:vint2[i]];
## if (vint3[i] == 1) {
## lp_s += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(1 | occ[i]);
## lp_s += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(y[indices] | mu[indices]);
## }
## if (vint3[i] == 0) {
## lp_s += log_sum_exp(bernoulli_logit_lpmf(1 | occ[i]) +
## sum(log1m_inv_logit(mu[indices])), bernoulli_logit_lpmf(0 | occ[i]));
## }
## }
## }
## lp += log_inv_logit(Omega[1]) + lp_s;
## } else {
## for (i in 1:vint1[1]) {
## if (vint6[i] == sp) {
## array[vint2[i]] int indices = index_array[i, 1:vint2[i]];
## lp_s += log_sum_exp(bernoulli_logit_lpmf(1 | occ[i]) +
## sum(log1m_inv_logit(mu[indices])), bernoulli_logit_lpmf(0 | occ[i]));
## }
## }
## lp += log_sum_exp(log1m_inv_logit(Omega[1]), log_inv_logit(Omega[1]) + lp_s);
## }
## }
## return(lp);
## }